
Adventures of Moti: Book 3: Moti’s New Adventure: Night Out Becomes A Blackout Night

July 2, 2020

Moti had a the harrowing experience after falling down in snow (Book 2). Moti was relaxing on the deck with Panna and Angel, the Chipmunk. Suddenly Angel became excited to see his old friend a fawn grazing on the backyard. Moti went with Angel and became friends with the fawn. The three came to meet Panna, Mani and their Mom. Mom saw the active Fawn and named her Chapal which translates to ‘Very Active’ a name everyone liked. Moti after asking Panna and Panna’s Mom went with Chapal, the fawn to their Deer park. She saw so may birds sitting on the distribution wire that had become icy and heavy. While Moti and Chapal were talking, there was a sudden flash and the cable snapped down. Chapal jumped in fear and ran straight towards an oncoming car. The flash of headlights blinded Chapal but Moti shouted to jump away from the car and saved the fawn. Moti saved Chapal and others during this night out that became a dark blackout night dur to the power failure.

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4 years ago

Fun thrilled book for children. Very well written and I would highly recommend this book to anyone.
I give the book 5 stars since I think it is important for other children to learn about courage and never to give up on dreams.